This page contains past webinar presentations sponsored by DDS in partnership with ICI. Selecting the links below will open the presentations.
7/9/24 | Presenters: Kelly Wanzer and Jill Eastman | Slides
09/13/2023 | Presenter(s): Ingrid Flory | Slides | Transcript
10/11/2023 | Presenter(s): Rania Kelly and Rebecca Davis | Slides | Handouts | Transcript
11/8/2023 | Presenter(s): Keila Torres | Slides | Transcript
12/13/2023 | Presenter(s): Sonja A. Haecker | Slides | Transcript
1/10/2024 | Presenter(s): Maryann Welch | Slides | Transcript
2/14/2024 | Presenter(s): Nancy Willey | Slides | Transcript
3/13/2024 | Presenter(s): Amanda Purchase | Slides | Transcript
04/10/2024 | Presenter(s): Keila Torres | Slides
Presented by Jill Eastman and Kelly Wanzer from the Institute for Community Inclusion
May, 23 2023
Presented by Jill Eastman and Kelly Wanzer from the Institute for Community Inclusion
April, 18 2023
Presented by Jill Eastman and Kelly Wanzer from the Institute for Community Inclusion
March, 14 2023
Presented by Jill Eastman and Kelly Wanzer from the Institute for Community Inclusion
February, 21 2023
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On Friday, April 29, we hosted and presented a live webinar on Community-Based Day Support (CBDS) Fundamentals. ICI’s Training Associate, Brit Miles, alongside guest speakers Kyle Schaller, Corey Cooke, and Emily Burque from Riverside Services, presented on the principles and best practices of CBDS services. The webinar included tools that encourage person-driven service delivery and examples of community-based activities that embody CBDS core values.
Click on each timestamp in this list to jump to a specific segment from the CBDS Fundamentals webinar presentation:
This webinar addresses transportation services available to people with disabilities in communities around Massachusetts, explores connections between transition-aged youth and transportation opportunities, and provides a greater understanding of how to effectively infuse the topic of transportation when discussing transition goals.
Presented by:
Rachel Fichtenbaum: Executive Office of Health and Human Services Mobility Manager, Mass Mobility
MaryEllen MacRae: Director of Community Support Services of Ester Seals Massachusetts
This webinar is designed to help parents raise the bar and envision an employment success for their son or daughter. Success stories and strategies are shared to help youth prepare for employment through chores at home and work experience in the community.
Presented by:
Sean Roy: Training Associate, TransCen Inc
This webinar highlights the importance of family involvement in the employment success of youth, while providing strategies for professionals to better engage families in the process. Topics include understanding the family perspective, addressing apprehension in exploring community-based employment, and strategies for helping families play a key role in career readiness and the job search.
Presented by:
Sean Roy: Training Associate, TransCen Inc
Presented by:
Amanda Green: Secondary Transition Coordinator, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Martha Daigle: Family Engagement Coordinator, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
As students in special education prepare to enter adulthood, individuals with I/DD who are turning 18 years old will apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid. This webinar provides information on why applying for SSI and Medicaid is important, the steps you need to take to prepare to apply, and then how to apply for this important benefit.
Presented by:
Karen Mariscal: Esq.
Pat Nemia: M.A., P.T., Project Director at the Federation for Children with Special Needs
This webinar addresses guardianship, alternatives to guardianship and other “coming of age” related issues for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Presented by:
Frederick M. Misilo, Jr.: Attorney and Vice President, the Arc of The United States, Inc.
Kristi Peak-Oliveira of Easterseals Massachusetts and Jan Hollenbeck of Medford Public Schools share strategies regarding use of assistive technology during transition from school to adult life, to support employment and career success. Steps for identification of technology and a variety of technology examples are provided.
“Informed choice” is a term that is used a lot in terms of employment services and supports for people with disabilities. But what does it really mean? Attendees at this webinar learned about strategies that will ensure that individual’s choices in terms of employment are truly “informed”. We focused in particular on individuals with significant disabilities with limited experience in both employment and choice making, and who may be in the habit of deferring to the wishes of others. A variety of strategies for maximizing informed choice will be discussed, emphasizing experiential activities that inform an individual about the range of employment choices available, use of peer-to-peer supports, and how to address barriers to employment.
Slides ( PDF) | Transcript ( DOC)
Enhancing Best Practices: Part 1 of this two-part series focused on the importance of maintaining our commitment to the values of integrated employment, and best practices in job development and employment searches can be utilized during this challenging time.
Part 2
Description: The current pandemic has created major challenges to a core tenet of Community Based Day Supports (CBDS): spending maximum time in the community and physically interacting with other community members. However, CBDS can still be provided, with individuals participating in their communities, interacting with other community members, and working on goal directed skill development. Participants in this webinar will learn about a variety of strategies for providing CBDS services during this time, and how the current environment can serve as a catalyst for long-term enhancements for CBDS.
In this webinar, participants learn about the Community-Based Day Supports design, complemented by a journey into an innovative Without Walls program built upon these best practices. This webinar gives an overview of services designed and delivered free of walls and full of opportunity.
Slides ( PDF) | Transcript ( DOC)
With small business ownership becoming the fastest growing segment for new employment options in the United States, the New England Business Development Center is supporting individuals to become successful business owners. These individuals not only run and manage their business but are now key players in the economic development within their communities. Self -employment can provide the scheduling flexibility necessary to accommodate a disability, circumvents the often-challenging competitive employment process, creates financial equity options and allows individuals to bring their talents to the open market. This presentation will share success stories, provide a framework for creating a successful entrepreneur team, share challenges faced throughout the process and walk participants though all phases of process, including the development of a business plan.
Presenter: Jeannine Pavlak, Executive Director, New England Business Associates
Slides ( PDF) | Transcript ( DOC)
Transportation is often identified as one of the primary barriers to employment for people with disabilities. The good news is that Massachusetts is undertaking a number of efforts to expand options for those who experience transportation challenges. Attendees at this webinar will learn about a variety of strategies for addressing transportation challenges. As part of the webinar, staff from MassMobility will share how they support efforts for expanded transportation options in Massachusetts. Attendees will receive a variety of practical resources. Join us to expand your knowledge of transportation options to support employment success.
Presenters: David Hoff, Institute for Community Inclusion; Rachel Fichtenbaum, Jenna Henning, MassMobility
Slides ( PPT) | Transcript ( Doc)
Though smart speakers and robots are not the answer to all of life’s challenges, there are very practical ways we all use technology to be more independent in our lives and in our work. This session will support participants to think about assistive technology when supporting people to reach independence on their employment pathway.
Slides ( PDF) | Transcript ( Doc)
How you can collaborate with transition and special education staff as they facilitate career development opportunities for students with disabilities? With greater interest in early career exploration and preparation, especially as a result of Workforce Innovation & Opportunities Act’s Pre-Employment Transition Services, Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs) and special education and transition specialists have increased opportunities to collaborate on career development activities. In this session, two transition specialists from MA school districts and a transition specialist trainer share their strategies to assure that these partnerships are effective and lead to positive work experiences for students with disabilities.
Slides ( PDF) | Transcript ( Doc)
In this archived webinar, Amanda Green, Secondary Transition Coordinator at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), reviews DESE’s recent administrative advisory, Secondary Transition Services and Graduation with a High School Diploma. Amanda discusses what is required for a student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to graduate in Massachusetts. Her presentation includes the student’s right to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) under federal law, best practices for planning and documentation of secondary transition services, and ways to reduce disputes.
Slides ( PDF) | Transcript ( Doc)
You can read the Administrative Advisory SPED 2018-2: Secondary Transition Services and Graduation with a High School Diploma here: